
What Is Max Length Of 4/0 Aluminum Cable For 200 Amp Service

Use this calculator to convert watts to amps. Choose from both alternating current (AC) and straight current (DC) flows.

How to convert watts to amps

To convert watts (electrical power) to amps (electrical current) at a fixed voltage, yous tin use a variation of Watt's Police force formula: Ability = Current × Voltage (P = Iv). By working backwards, we go the equation: amps = watts ÷ volts, which can be used to convert watts to amps.

amps = watts ÷ volts

Watts to Amps Diagram

How many watts make an amp?

Your conversion depends upon your voltage. At 120 volts, ane amp is equal to 120 watts. At 240 volts, one amp is equal to 240 watts.

How many amps is 1500 watts?

If y'all take an electrical appliance using 1500 watts of power on a 120v excursion, you tin use the equation Current (Amps) = Ability (Watts) ÷ Voltage to calculate that the draw of the electric appliance is 1500 / 120 = 12.5 amps.

Watts to amps at 120V (AC) nautical chart

Watts: Amps (at 120V):
100 watts 0.83 amps
200 watts 1.67 amps
300 watts ii.5 amps
400 watts 3.33 amps
500 watts 4.17 amps
600 watts five amps
700 watts 5.83 amps
800 watts six.67 amps
900 watts 7.5 amps
1000 watts 8.33 amps
1100 watts 9.17 amps
1200 watts 10 amps
1300 watts x.83 amps
1400 watts xi.67 amps
1500 watts 12.5 amps
1600 watts 13.33 amps
1700 watts 14.17 amps
1800 watts xv amps
1900 watts 15.83 amps
2000 watts sixteen.67 amps
2500 watts 20.83 amps
3000 watts 25 amps
Conversions are a guide and are rounded to 2 decimals.

Watts to amps at 240V (AC) chart

Watts: Amps (at 240V):
100 watts 0.42 amps
200 watts 0.83 amps
300 watts ane.25 amps
400 watts one.67 amps
500 watts 2.08 amps
600 watts 2.5 amps
700 watts two.92 amps
800 watts three.33 amps
900 watts 3.75 amps
thousand watts 4.17 amps
1100 watts 4.58 amps
1200 watts v amps
1300 watts 5.42 amps
1400 watts 5.83 amps
1500 watts half dozen.25 amps
1600 watts six.67 amps
1700 watts 7.08 amps
1800 watts 7.v amps
1900 watts vii.92 amps
2000 watts 8.33 amps
2500 watts 10.42 amps
3000 watts 12.5 amps
Conversions are a guide and are rounded to 2 decimals.

Understanding watts, amps and volts

Amps are amperes, a unit of measurement which measures electrical electric current. It can be helpful to imagine electrical current as h2o in a hose. In this analogy, the quantity (volume) of water would exist the amps.

Watts represent the amount of energy produced past the amps and volts working together. Multiplying amps (water volume) by volts (h2o pressure) gives you lot the wattage (the resulting power or energy). A h2o wheel would plough faster and longer, generating more energy if it uses increased water volume and higher water force per unit area; the aforementioned applies to the wattage if amps and volts are increased.

Volts are a unit to mensurate force. They mensurate the strength required to brand the electrical current (amps) flow. In the hose analogy, the volts would exist the water force per unit area. North American homes typically use 120V for their electric supply, whilst 230V is common across many other countries.

What is AC/DC?

power icon

DC stands for straight current, when the electric current flows in one single management. A flashlight with a battery uses a direct electric current.

AC stands for alternating electric current, when the current periodically changes management. In Northern America and Western Nihon, this normally happens 60 times per second, or 60Hz / hertz. In Europe, the UK, East Nippon and most of Commonwealth of australia, Due south America, Africa and Asia, the current changes management 50 times per 2d, which is 50Hz. Power supplied to homes and businesses uses AC supply.

Converting watts to amps - examples

To convert a watts ability effigy into current in amps, yous employ Watt's Police formula and work backwards, dividing the wattage (power produced) by the voltage (V):

Current (I) = Power (P) ÷ Voltage (Five)


amps = watts ÷ volts

Case: 600 watts are being sent at 120 volts. What's the electric current?

Current = Power ÷ Voltage
Current = 600W ÷ 120V Current = 5A


If you're working with larger units, you need to remember that 1 kilowatt is equal to 1000 watts. The formula for Watt's law stays the same, only as long as you express the wattage in watts (your sum will go wrong if you use '5W' to hateful '5KW'; yous need to use 5000W instead).

Example: 2.4KW watts are being sent at 120 volts

Current = Ability ÷ Voltage
Current = 2400W ÷ 120V
Current = 20A

Converting watts to amps is unproblematic, really, but if you're feeling short-circuited later on all those numbers, only utilise our watts to amps computer at the top of this page.

Every bit part of our collection of energy calculators, we also take a lumens to watts calculator bachelor.

Reckoner created by Alastair Hazell

Content reviewed by Derek Bulled, Director of CDS Electrical and an approved electrician with over thirty years of feel.

If you have any problems using this watts and amps reckoner, please contact me.


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